For some, Lehigh is a diverse experience

This was an article from The Brown and White , Lehigh University’s student newspaper found in a894 

By Martha Miller

Issue date: 2/12/08 Section: Lifestyle

About a year and a half ago, Ali Shameem’s life changed dramatically.
One month Shameem was teaching at an elementary school in the Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean known mostly for tourism, and the next month he was taking classes at Lehigh.
Although the transition from home-life to college-life is intense for many, when home is on another continent, the new environment can be especially interesting.
Brought to Lehigh’s instructional technology graduate studies program through a Fulbright Scholarship, Shameem has been at Lehigh for a year and a half now. As a computer science major with an exceptional educational background and promise for leadership within his own nation, Shameem was given the chance to come to the U.S. and he took it.
Although he had never heard of Lehigh and knew nothing about Bethlehem, Pa., he said goodbye to his wife and child and arrived here a month after he was accepted.
Shameem’s experience is unique, but what he shares with other students is the international experience. In the 2006-2007 school year there were 559 international students from 65 different countries, and the numbers are still growing. [ read more…]

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